CategoriesTravel and Holidays

Travel and Holidays

Travel and Holiday package
The holiday season usually comes with  plans for and travel here and there, memorable moments loading, but this can just be the opposite if you lack some essentials in your travel and holiday package. Here are some few travel tips to complete your holiday package for your next travel adventure.

Bath soap, toothpaste, a toothbrush, lotion and some wipes are part of the essential package you cannot afford to forget.
For the ladies, some sanitary towels, tampons, and a vaginal wash should be included in the package. Your usual set can easily be delivered to you from Ruth pharmacy before your travel in the shortest time possible.

Insect Repellant
Travelling and camping out in the wilderness literally means being one with mosquitoes and bugs in that we are always trying to get rid of in our normal household. Avail yourself with a gentle sunscreen with long lasting protection against mosquitoes and bugs. Ruth pharmacy provides a variety for this cause.

Traveling comes along with tasting new food that isn’t in your normal diet which might cause food poisoning. Prevent this by taking some probiotics that will prevent the unfortunate situation.

Drug refills
Have your drugs refilled to accommodate the period of time you will not be around in order to maintain consistent partaking of your medication without cases of missed doses. Visit our pharmacy or call to order your refill medication before your travel.


Are you planning to spend some days of your holidays outdoors sunbathing, swimming, etc. ,you don’t want to get back home with sun burns all over . Add a sunscreen to your package and protect yourself and loved ones from sunburn.