CategoriesSkin Care

Acne Management

How does acne come about?

Underneath the surface of our skins, there are sebaceous glands that secrete sebum which coats the skin and hair to prevent them from drying . The hair follicles routinely shed dead skin cells which the sebum carries out.
When the body produces extra sebum and extra dead cells are shed, they stick together and clog the pores bringing about skin blemishes. Bacteria flourishes leading to inflammation which later results into white heads, black heads and pustules/pimples.

Acne mainly affects the face, neck, chest and back. Acne can be a very devastating condition but it can also be managed by a simple skin care routine after determining your skin type;

Step 1: Cleansing
This is the 1st and most important step in your facial care routine. Lack of a good cleansing habit can lead to a dull skin and break outs.
Cleansing will remove dirt, excess oil, bacteria, and dead cells on the skin and allow other products like moisturizers to penetrate the skin.
A daily cleansing routine ensures that your skin is properly hydrated and prevents breakouts that would result from dirt build up and blockage of pores.
It is advisable to cleanse in the morning and evening. You might choose a product that combines cleansing and toning in a single product eg Neutrogener Blackhead Eliminating Cleansing Toner.

Step 2:Toning
This step strives to ensure that the skin’s pH levels are balanced. A good quality toner restores the skin pH level to normal and boosts hydration of the skin.
This can help your skin to be less prone to oiliness and infection and also creates a more vibrant and smoother skin appearance.

Step 3 :Serum
Apply a facial serum to minimize the appearance of dark spots, brighten the skin and hydrate the skin. Serums contain vitamin C which is a potent anti aging ingredient to keep an eye out when choosing a suitable serum for your skin type. Look out for a product which has a sizeable percentage of the vital antioxidant for example Balance Active Vitamin C Brightening Serum.

Step 4 : Moisturizing
The main aim of Moisturizing is to keep the skin hydrated and refreshed. Whether you have dry, oily or combination skin, a moisturizer is an excellent product to incorporate into your skin care routine. However you need to choose the appropriate moisturizer with care. Look out for a non comedogenic/oil free product which shall not clog your pores. Always feel the texture of your product to make sure that it is not oily or greasy.

Step 5: Protection
Wearing sunscreen is one of the best and easiest ways to protect your skin’s appearance and health at any age. Used regularly, sunscreen helps prevent sunburn, hyperpigmentation, skin cancer and premature aging.
Add a sunscreen to your skin care routine today. You could choose clabane face moisturizer with sunscreen SPF 30 which combines 2 products in one.

Contact +256708471069/ +256782358193 to speak to an expert to help you manage your acne accordingly.