CategoriesSexual Health

Erectile Dysfunction


What is ED?

This is the persistent inability to achieve or maintain a penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.
ED is very common, particularly in men over 40 though very common, it is not a normal part of the aging process therefore it calls for medical attention and should not be merely ignored.

Symptoms of ED
Low sex drive
Soft erections
Trouble getting erections
Trouble maintaining an erection

Previously erectile dysfunction was believed to be caused by psychological problems,but with the intensive research it was revealed that ED is caused by physical problems usually related to blood supply to the penis. Male sexual arousal is a complex process that involves the brain,hormones, emotions,nerves,muscles and blood vessels. Erectile dysfunction can result from a problem with any of these. Though psychologically, stress and mental health concerns can cause or worsen ED.

Some of the causes include
Chronic alcoholism and other forms of substance abuse
Drugs for examples beta blockers like carvedilol
Low testosterone
Physical trauma
Anxiety ,depression or other mental conditions.
Prostate surgery

Erectile dysfunction can have deleterious effects on a man’s quality of life; most patients have symptoms of depression and anxiety related to sexual performance. These symptoms, in turn, affect his partner’s sexual experience and the couple’s quality of life.

Some complications of ED include;
Relationship problems
Inability to achieve pregnancy
Unsatisfactory sex life
Low self esteem


ED is controllable and can be cured if necessary action is taken to avoid permanent impotence in the long run.

Management of ED
Weight loss as being overweight can worsen ED as the excess fat reduces on testosterone levels.
Stop smoking, if you have trouble quiting,try nicotine replacement for example over the counter gum or lozenges to stop the addiction. Some of these are available at Ruth health Pharmacy over the counter.
Eat a healthy diet; foods rich in zinc for example pumpkin
Exercise daily
Reduce alcohol intake

There are a range of natural supplements and vitamins that can revert this problem and restore your body to normal functioning.

These include;
L Carnitine
L arginine
Maca Root
Epimedium(horny goat weed)

Visit our pharmacy today and get a perfect blend of natural remedies to make the once nightmare of ED history.