CategoriesSexual Health


HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a viral infection that attacks the immune system and causes AIDS. HIV is a primarily Sexually transmitted disease transmitted through heterosexual and homosexual practice ie oral,vaginal and anal sex.

AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is a chronic, potentially life threatening condition caused by the HIV, which damages your immune system and interferes with one’s ability to fight infection and disease.

How HIV is spread?

  • Having unprotected sex with infected persons.
  • Blood transfusions from an infected person.
  • Illicit injection drug use eg sharing of syringes
  • From mother to child during pregnancy or during breastfeeding

Prevention of HIV/AIDS

  1. PrEP (Pre Exposure Prophylaxis)
    Reduces the risk getting HIV by 99% when taken as prescribed.
  2. PEP( Post Exposure Prophylaxis)
    If you think you have been exposed to HIV through sex, needles etc., immediately acquire PEP within 72hrs of exposure to reduce the risk of being infected.
  3. Condom use
    Use a condom each time you have sex. This will not only prevent you from acquiring HIV but also from other sexually transmitted diseases. If using a lubricant, choose one which is water based as oil based lubricant can weaken condoms and cause them to break.
  4. Seek out PMTCT services (Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission)
    If you are pregnant or breastfeeding with HIV seek medical treatment and advise to reduce the risk of your baby acquiring HIV

Testing for HIV

  • Blood tests
  • Saliva tests

The self testing kits are available at our pharmacy or simply add to your cart .

All these accurately detect the antigens on the virus or the antibodies produced to fight the virus.
NB: If tests are negative, you may still need a follow up test 3 months later to confirm the results.

Living positively
Receiving a diagnosis of HIV can be a life changing event. But having HIV does not mean you are going to die. It is important to see your health care provider who can help you get started on your Anti Retrovirus Therapy(ART).
HIV medicine will reduce your viral load to an undetectable level so low that a standard lab test can’t detect it. So it is important to adhere to you therapy diligently.

Supplements that may be used to boost immunity include;

  • Acetyl L Carnitine
  • Probiotics
  • Vitamins and Minerals
  • Amino acids eg L glutamine, L arginine an Hydroxethylbutryate (HMB)

Visit our pharmacy to get any of these today.

Remember prevention of HIV is better than cure!